Planting Trees and Shrubs

First check the soil. If the soil is heavy clay or sandy, you  may want to amend the soil. This can be done by adding organic material such as Bumpercrop, Aged Pine Bark or  Composted Manure. We suggest using 30-40% amendment and 60-70% natural soil.

Dig the hole twice as wide and as deep as the plant is in the container. If the plant is root bound, make 4 vertical cuts in the root ball and feather out some of the roots. Put the plant in the hole and as you return the amended soil make sure it is at the same level as it was in the container.

Once you have filled the hole halfway, fill with water and let it drain. Fill the hole the rest of the way with soil and water again. Straighten the plant and firm the soil to remove air pockets.

WATER: Newly planted material needs to be checked for water daily to see if the soil is wet enough. Water thoroughly by placing a hose next to the trunk on a slow trickle for about 15 minutes on small plants, and up to an hour on trees. Use a moisture meter to help monitor if you don’t know how much moisture is needed.

FERTILIZER: Bio Tone Plant Starter is the only type of fertilizer to be used on newly planted trees and shrubs. For best success Wojo’s recommends getting into a regular   pattern of fertilizing your plants. Once planted, feed trees and shrubs in April, July and September/October to correspond with the start, peak and end of the growing season.  We suggest using Tree Tone and or Holly Tone.